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How To Read A Residential Appraisal Report

How To Read A Residential Appraisal Report


For those in the residential banking market, understand the URAR report, the primary appraisal form used by lenders for residential property. ...
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This product is a recording of the Appraisal Institute webinar that was conducted on November 16, 2016. Once the Appraisal Institute confirms your payment, you will receive an e-mail containing a link to the webinar recording.
Please note: The interactive features of the webinar (e.g. poll/survey questions and the final evaluation) are NOT available in the recording. Appraisal Institute continuing education credit is NOT available for viewing the recording.
How To Read A Residential Appraisal Report
Date: November 16, 2016
Duration: 2 hours
If you work in the residential banking market, you know it’s essential to understand how to read and use appraisals. Attend this webinar to understand the URAR report, the primary appraisal form used by lenders for residential property. You’ll learn how appraisers document their opinion of market value using the sales comparison approach, how they select comparable sales, and various procedures for making adjustments. Review the nuts and bolts of researching sales and transfer history of properties as well as reconciliation. 
At the end of this informative webinar you’ll be able to: 
Identify the steps necessary to complete a real estate appraisal 
Contrast the three appraisal approaches used to arrive at an opinion of value 
Identify all the elements recorded on a URAR report 
Describe how and why adjustments are made to comparable properties 
Understand the impact of rules on appraisal independence
Nikki Griffith, MAI
Owner,  | Appraisal Group SEWA
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