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Mathematics for Real Estate Appraisers

Mathematics for Real Estate Appraisers

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This practical guide offers appraisers a short review of algebra, geometry, trigonometry, statistics, and the mathematics of finance. (Softcover, 1996) ...
Clifford E. Fisher, Jr.
Price: $20.00
AI Price: $15.00
Number of pages:48
Year published:1996

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Using specific appraisal applications and examples, Mathematics for Real Estate Appraisers reviews algebra and equation solving, geometry and trigonometry, the mathematics of finance, and statistics. You'll find out why 3 + 4 x 5 equals 23 and not 35, how to measure the area of a triangle, and the steps involved in applying the six basic financial function formulas. A brief overview of statistics and statistics terminology is provided to pave the way for further study. The handbook concludes with a short section subtitled "Things You Ought to Know No Matter What Field You're In."

If you could use a refresher course in basic math or just need a handy resource, then this handbook should be in your appraisal library.

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