4-Hour Federal and California Statutory and Regulatory Laws

Date: December 12, 2023

Location: Synchronous Classroom, CA

Northern California Chapter
Ms. Estes
It's Synchronous - Learn Where it is Comfortable and Convenient for You!
Conducted via ZOOM
Synchronous Classroom, CA
Munoz, Jr., MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, Jacinto
Before selecting REGISTER NOW carefully review all information below for important details on CE hours (especially those seeking out-of-state credit), equipment requirements, etc.



The ZOOM link was sent around 5:30pm (Pacific Time) on Wednesday, December 6 to all confirmed registrants who provided their photo IDs in advance.  Links can ONLY be sent to those who have provided their Photo IDs to lisa@norcal-ai.org.  Registrants will want to check all of their email accounts as well as spam/junk folders for this important information; especially the email address listed in your Appraisal Institute MyAccount portal.

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View additional offerings sponsored by the Northern California Chapter 

This offering is a chapter-developed Interactive Synchronous Classroom presentation using ZOOM.

It is the student's responsibility to have the required equipment: Dependable Internet access, computer with webcam, microphone & speakers. The instructor / monitor must be able to see / view students throughout the offering and the students must be able to view the instructor and/or the instructor's presentation.  

IMPORTANT:  Approval of synchronous (formerly called virtual) classroom presentations by states outside of California or acceptance of out-of-state providers cannot be guaranteed.  If you are seeking credit for this offering from a state outside of California, check directly with your state licensing board(s) - before registering - to make sure that they will accept (1) synchronous classroom credit and/or (2) credit from an out-of-state provider.  Some states may have special pre-approval or reporting requirements that the chapter is not able to comply with.  Use caution in relying on website approvals as they may not be up-to-date. 

Photo ID Required
After registering, please send a copy of your Driver's License or Photo ID to lisa@norcal-ai.org even if you've sent it for a prior offering.


About the Offering:
Mandatory Requirement for Initial State Licensing / Certification (QE) and Renewal (CE) Includes the required open-book exam.

Appraisers recognize that they have regulatory obligations but understanding which ones apply when doing federally related and real estate related lender work is challenging. A review of sanctions and disciplinary actions taken against appraisers by the Bureau of Real Estate Appraisers makes it clear that many details and nuances of the appraiser laws and regulations are being misunderstood. Common, unintentional errors impact both the reputations of individual appraisers as well as confidence in the competency and ethics of the appraisal profession. This seminar is designed to help you recognize and understand the laws and regulations most important to appraisers practicing in California.

- The Three-Legged Stool: Appraisal Subcommittee (ASC), State (BREA) and The Appraisal Foundation (TAF)
- California Real Estate Appraisers' Licensing and Certification Laws (Code)
- California Code of Regulations: Real Estate Appraisers (Regs)
- Understand the context of and recent amendments to the California “Laws” & “Regs”
- Find out about your new “mini-resume” on the BREA website
- Understand BREA’s new & revised definitions that affect your daily appraisal practice 
- Become familiar with the new Federal & California Appraisal Management Company (AMC) Laws & Regs
- Look out for BREA laws that result in immediate license suspension
- Title XI of FIRREA Real Estate Appraisal Reform (Dodd Frank Reform)
- Appraisal Subcommittee (ASC) Statutes, Laws and Polices

Cancellation Policy


Written cancellations received by Tuesday, November 28, are subject to a $25 cancellation fee.  Cancellations received after that time but prior to noon on Tuesday, December 5, are subject to a $45 cancellation fee.  No refunds for cancellations received after December 5 or for program "no shows".  Cancellations can be emailed to lisa@norcal-ai.org.

We reserve the right to substitute instructors, or to cancel or modify this program if sufficient registrations are not received by November 17 or due to other circumstances beyond our control. In the event of cancellation, tuition fees will be refunded. All other costs incurred are the registrant’s responsibility.

Additional Information

Photo ID Required
After registering, please send a copy of your Driver's License or Photo ID to lisa@norcal-ai.org.  Quick Tip:  Feel free to cover any personal information with the exception of your photo and printed name with cut to size Post-It Notes or electronic means before taking a photo with your phone or scanning.  ONLY registrants who provide IDs in advance will be sent the ZOOM log-in and material & flash card links.  In the subject line type "DL -  [enter your last name] - Laws/Regs Dec 2023" before submitting. ID's should be emailed immediately following submission of your registration.

Seminar Materials and Hours

Online check-in will begin at 11:30am on Tuesday, December 12. The early check-in time allows for system checks and networking with other registrants. The seminar will run from 12:00pm – 5:00pm and will be conducted using ZOOM as the interactive learning platform.  The required open-book exam will be administered during the scheduled instruction.  Prior to the seminar, all students will receive a pdf link from lisa@norcal-ai.ccsend.com to download the seminar materials and exam flash cards. Hardcopy materials are not available for this offering nor are they available for download from your AI MyAccount portal.  By registering for this offering, you agree that your attendance may be monitored and/or recorded and that you will forward your DL/ photo ID to the Northern California Chapter.

Materials & Exam Flash Cards Links
There are no additional required texts for this offering other than the seminar materials and flash cards referenced above.

Registrants are strongly encouraged to pre-download the materials or perhaps view them on a secondary devise during the virtual classroom presentation.  Flash cards should be printed out in COLOR ON 8 1/2" X 11" sheets of paper; they are required for the exam.

Required Equipment 
This class will be held via Interactive Technology (ZOOM).  It is the student's responsibility to have the required equipment - Dependable Internet access, computer with webcam and microphone / speakers.  Some registrants will find a secondary device (ipad, phone, laptop or desktop computer) helpful during instruction.

New to ZOOM?  

Education Credit Hours and Attendance Verifications

Those who check into the interactive platform late, leave early or leave during non-scheduled breaks may jeopardize receipt of credit.  Webcams must remain on throughout the scheduled instruction times.

Appraisal Institute: Full attendance (100%) enables Designated Members and Practicing Affiliates to receive 20 AI CEC points.  

BREA Continuing: 4-Hour Federal and California Statutory Laws and Regulations has been approved by the BREA for 4-hours (#23CP754601553) of CEC. Licensed/certified appraisers seeking BREA CEC must meet the 100% attendance requirement and successfully complete the open-book exam.  [Note:  This particular offering is based on the "live" classroom version that falls under the requirements for synchronous classroom education. 

BREA Basic/Qualifying: 4-Hour Federal and California Statutory Laws and Regulations is also approved for BREA qualifying education (QE) credit (#21CP754601460).  Those seeking BREA QE must meet the 100% attendance requirement and successfully complete the open-book exam. [Note:  This particular offering is based on the "live" version that falls under the requirements for synchronous classroom education.]

SBE (State Board of Equalization) 4-Hour Federal and California Statutory Laws and Regulations has been approved for 4-hours of SBE training credit (CAR #101423) for assessors who meet the 100% attendance and exam requirement.

If you are seeking credit for this offering from a state outside of California, check directly with your state licensing board(s) to make sure an out-of-state synchronous offering will be accepted before registering.  We are not submitting this offering for pre-approval from states outside of California.

NEW! Attendance Verification Process Effective 10/01/19
Registrants should be sure their appraiser license/certification numbers are entered in the registration system or a certificate will not be generated.  License numbers are listed under Profile in your Student Portal or can be added as “Other” License.  

Verified attendance certificates will be available within 15 working days by

  • Logging into My Account https://www.appraisalinstitute.org/; red tab
  • Select EDUCATION
  • Click on the specific offering that you are seeking the certificate for; it will show REGISTERED
  • Scroll to the very bottom of the screen to RETRIEVE CERTIFICATE

Note:  Effective 10/01/19 students will be able to access their attendance certificates 24/7 through the Appraisal Institute's netFORUM association management program.  The Northern California Chapter does not have direct access to certificates for programs held after this time. Any issues in retrieving certificates should be brought directly to the attention of the Appraisal Institute's Education Delivery Department at 312/335-4207 or education@appraisalinstitute.org

Confirmation Emails

All confirmed registrants will receive a payment receipt plus a separate confirmation by email.  Be sure that you can accept emails from each of the following email addresses: 


  • lisa@norcal-ai.org
  • lisa@norcal-ai.ccsend.com
  • jenny@norcal-ai.org
  • noreply@appraisalinstitute.org (confirmation details)
  • aiservice@appraisalinstitute.org (payment receipt)

    In addition, details regarding logging into the seminar will be sent separately from lisa@norcal-ai.ccsend.com

     If you do not receive emails on a regular basis from the Northern California Chapter (lisa@norcal-ai.ccsend.com), be sure to visit our homepage and sign-up to receive our emails.  Registrants will not want important details like ZOOM links and/or material downloads defaulting to spam / junk or be classified as undeliverable.  Those who work for financial institutions or government agencies my need to enlist the assistance of their IT Department to insure email delivery.

    Disclaimer Information

    By registering for this event, you agree that

    • your attendance may be recorded, photographed, and/or monitored at any time
    • you will provide the Chapter Office with a copy of your DL/Photo ID in advance
    • will accept emails from the chapter; add this address to your accepted list of emails - lisa@norcal-ai.ccsend.com
    • your contact information may be published in a public networking roster
    • we may switch or change the virtual learning (zoom, Go2, etc.) platform selected for this offering based on program logistics or necessity
    • if you have a disability and may require special accommodation, please notify us in writing at least two weeks in advance to arrange for reasonable accommodation

    Lost or Damaged Items:  
    The Appraisal Institute is not liable for lost or damaged items. This includes but is not limited to calculators, laptops, cell phones, etc.

    National Disclaimer

    This Educational Program was developed and organized by the Appraisal Institute Chapter offering the Program with the intent of addressing topic(s) of current local interest solely for educational and informational purposes. The Appraisal Institute national organization was not involved in developing or organizing the Program.

    The content of this Program, including but not limited to any written materials and presenter comments, does not represent the viewpoint of the Appraisal Institute (defined as including but not limited to, the national organization, its Regions, Chapters, members, candidates, affiliates and staff) unless formally adopted by the national Board of Directors. Further, the Appraisal Institute has not peer-reviewed or approved the content of the Program and does not warrant the accuracy or timeliness of the content of the Program. The content of the Program is subject to court decisions and local, state and federal laws and regulations and any such revisions of such laws and regulations.

    This Program is presented with the understanding that the Appraisal Institute is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional advice or services. Nothing in the Program is to be construed as the offering of such advice or services. If expert advice or services are required, attendees and readers are responsible for obtaining such advice or services from appropriate professionals.

    State Credit

    Please note that 100% attendance is required in order to receive any approved state credit or to be awarded AI CE points. It is imperative that you check with your state board for state approval information before completing registration.

    Other Information

    If you have a disability and require accommodation, please notify the sponsor at least two weeks in advance for reasonable accommodations to be arranged.

    The Appraisal Institute reserves the rights to cancel, limit, or reschedule the program and to change instructor assignments and facility locations at any time.