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Marina Valuation Overview

Marina Valuation Overview


Addresses the unique and varying physical characteristics of coastal and inland marinas and the various revenue sources such as wet slip and dry rack ...
Price: $75.00
AI Price: $30.00

This product is a recording of the Appraisal Institute webinar that was conducted on July 10, 2013.

Once the Appraisal Institute confirms your payment, you will receive an e-mail containing a link to the webinar recording.

Please note: The interactive features of the webinar (e.g. poll/survey questions and the final evaluation) are NOT available in the recording. Appraisal Institute continuing education credit is NOT available for viewing the recording.


Marina Valuation Overview

Date: July 10, 2013
Duration: 2 hours

The webinar will address the unique and varying physical characteristics of coastal and inland marinas and the various revenue sources such as wet slip and dry rack rentals, fuel dispensing, upland storage boat rentals and boat maintenance/repair operations.

You will learn about:

  • Trends in the industry
  • Upland and marina basin features such as width of fairways, fetch, wind and wave action, attenuation, siltation, bulkheads, slip layout
  • Marina revenue sources, income and expense ratios, and capitalization rates
  • Types of docks
  • Addressing deferred maintenance/cap x
  • Notable transactions of coastal and inland marinas
  • Units of comparison, price per slip versus price per linear feet of slips

If you would like to see a list of some of the locations where I have appraised marinas recently, please refer to my web site at and click on the appraisals tab.


Gerard (Jerry) H. McDonough, MAI, FRICS, Senior Managing Director, Integra Realty Resource

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