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Golf Course Property Valuation

Golf Course Property Valuation


The purpose of this webinar is to acquaint you with the caveats of golf course appraisal. ...
Price: $75.00
AI Price: $30.00

This product is a recording of the Appraisal Institute webinar that was conducted on May 7, 2014.
Once the Appraisal Institute confirms your payment, you will receive an e-mail containing a link to the webinar recording.

Please note: The interactive features of the webinar (e.g. poll/survey questions and the final evaluation) are NOT available in the recording. Appraisal Institute continuing education credit is NOT available for viewing the recording.

Golf Course Property Valuation
Date: May 7, 2014
Duration: 2 hours

Golf is a never ending challenge to reduce your handicap, and so is appraising.

The purpose of this webinar is to acquaint you with the caveats of golf course appraisal. For valuing golf courses, there is ample guiding experience in the industry, but each course has its own unique character. Condition varies widely and without the requisite knowledge of restoration costs, it is possible to have a wide variation in valuation. Rounds played in a golfing market depends greatly on competing courses, greens fees, and travel time for the widest market. Other compounding issues include restaurants or a destination location with an additional stay, and play attraction such as a casino or beach hotel. A solid base for the valuation process begins with appropriately reviewing comparables, rating green fees and projected rounds played, projecting expenses, understanding land valuation, and properly allocating depreciation.

In this webinar, you will:

  • Understand the caveats of golf course appraisal
  • Identify unique characteristics, conditions and compounding issues involved in the valuation of a golf course
  • Evaluate distinguishing elements of quality and competition in order to substantiate support for the condition rating of your subject property
  • Present a better appraisal through the proper analysis and presentation of salient information

Lawrence J. Golicz, Ph.D., MAI, ASA, Independent Valuation Consultant, Vista Appraisal Services, Inc.

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