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Appealing CRE Property Taxes: How Appraisal Modifications Could Reduce What’s Owed

Appealing CRE Property Taxes: How Appraisal Modifications Could Reduce What’s Owed


Price: $0.00
AI Price: $0.00
This product is a recording of the Appraisal Institute webinar.

Appealing CRE Property Taxes: How Appraisal Modifications Could Reduce What’s Owed
Date: Oct. 30, 2019
Duration: 1 hours

This webinar will help to enhance your knowledge of commercial real estate property taxes, and will use market and actual operating data to help professionals explain their position. It also will discuss how to make a case for a property assessment reduction. Along with real property tax examples, this webinar will help attendees discover some unusual issues within states and better understand state laws.

Upon completion of this webinar, participants should be able to understand:
  • Types of commercial property taxes;
  • Intangible issues;
  • Examples of successful tax reduction strategies; and
  • Approaches to value and application in property tax valuation.

Speaker: Robert E. Dietrich, MAI
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