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Appraising the Appraisal: The Art of Appraisal Review, Second Edition - PDF

Appraising the Appraisal: The Art of Appraisal Review, Second Edition - PDF


This book describes best practices and common deficiencies found in the appraisal review process and includes useful checklists and forms. (2010) ...
Richard C. Sorenson, MAI, Non-Practicing
Price: $60.00
AI Price: $45.00
Number of pages:255
Edition: Second
Year published:2010

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Reviewing appraisal reports is an essential quality-control function, and today it is more important than ever. This second edition of Appraising the Appraisal provides practical instruction on the appraisal review process and helps promote greater understanding between reviewers and appraisers. Written by a seasoned professional, this useful guide describes common deficiencies in appraisal reports and offers tips for preparing careful and constructive appraisal reviews that can be applied by appraisers, lenders, and other professionals.

This edition includes information on scope of work and data verification and real-world examples that highlight the qualities of both effective and ineffective appraisals. A case study, handy checklists, and sample review forms are also provided.

Note: This book is only available in PDF format.  
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