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Historic Properties: Preservation and the Valuation Process, Third Edition

Historic Properties: Preservation and the Valuation Process, Third Edition

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This text describes what makes a property historic and how government policies affect tax credits, property use, and market value. (2006) ...
Judith S. Reynolds
Price: $45.00
AI Price: $35.00
Number of pages:182
Edition: Third
Year published:2006


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The third edition of Historic Properties: Preservation and the Valuation Process provides real estate appraisers with an understanding of what makes properties historic, how such properties differ from more typical properties, and how the historic preservation movement has modified traditional concepts of ownership. Readers will also learn how legislation, government policies, and the availability of tax credits affect highest and best use and market value. A case study relating to a historic hotel is provided to demonstrate how the traditional valuation approaches are applied to the appraisal of properties of architectural and historic significance.

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