This product is a recording of an Appraisal Institute webinar.
Yellow Book Changes - Overview for Appraisers
Date: January 11, 2017
Duration: 2 hours
This program provides an overview of the recent major changes to the Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions (Yellow Book). The program provides an initial analysis of major issues and considerations that appraisers performing Yellow Book assignments should pay particular attention to, such as issues relating to "Larger Parcel," and market analysis and highest and best use. The program includes a Q&A session for appraisers to understand the full context of the changes.
Presenter: John Underwood, MAI, SRA
Moderator: Bill Garber, Director of Government and External Relations, Appraisal Institute
Please note: The interactive features of the webinar (e.g.
poll/survey questions and the final evaluation) are NOT available in the
recording. Appraisal Institute continuing education credit is NOT
available for viewing the recording.